Oakland Astronomy Club
January 12, 2025 Club Meeting News

News Archive

OAC meetings are held in-person AND via Zoom. Join us! Fill out the Meeting Invitation Form for an invitation.


Welcome Guests and New Members.

Major Presentation

Mars Update and NASA by Gary Dietz. Gary went ove the current and future operating programs in NASA (over 100!). He outlined the Artemis mission to return to the moon, the James Webb Telescope, MArs Landings and the Europa Clipper. All very exciting stuff - Thanks Gary. Members and guests, if there is a topic you would like to know more about or a topic you would like to present, please contact the Vice President.)

Visual Observers Guide

Veteran observer Dave Holt shared highlights of December's targets in Orion, which includes a host of rewarding objects. Thank you, Dave! Download this month's Visual Observer Guide, .skylist, and skymap files from the Observation Page of the club website.

Club Events since our Last Meeting and a Look Forward

  • January 17 - Join Bill Slogeris and the true night owls at Troy's Stage Nature Center Owl Sanctuary Bill will provide an orientation to the night sky and we'll share our telescopes with guests. (Friday 7-8:30pm.)
  • January 18 – Q3 Moon Club Observing opportunity at Addison Oaks
  • January 24 – Q3/New Moon Club Observing opportunity at Addison Oaks
  • January 25 - Join Dave Holt for his presentation at the cozy historic Cranberry Lake Farmhouse, enjoy star cookies and cider, then share your scopes for a night under the winter skies. (Saturday 6:30-8:30pm.)
  • Jan 31/Feb 1 - Q3 New Moon Club Observing opportunity at Addison Oaks

News from the Vice-President

George Raub showed the breakdown of the different Topics and Subjects for the presentations. Let George know what you'd like to see next.

Member Survey

President Gary Dietz announced that a short survey will be distributed to the members soon. Please take the time to fill it out.

Open Discussion and Image Sharing

The local December skies were not friendly at all, yet a few members shared their beautiful pictures with the club.
