The Internet is full of resources on all aspects of the amateur astronomy hobby. If you are just getting started in the hobby, check out these excellent free tutorials put together by the Kalamazoo Astronomical Society.
Reference - Astronomy Terms, observing guides, lookup tables, indices, etc.
Astronomy Terms - Frequently used astronomy terms and concepts.
Virtual Atlas of the Moon - This software, realized by Patrick Chevalley and Christian Legrand can visualize the Moon aspect for every date and hour. It permits also to study lunar formations with a unique database and pictures library compiled by Christian Legrand. It's conceived to be easily usable "in the field" according to observing session needs, but also to study "at home" the Moon and its relief.
Clear Dark Sky - This is a cool site which attempts to show at a glance when we might expect clear and dark skies for a particular observing site. It is specifically intended for amateur astronomers. The Michigan locations for these predictions can be found here. The Addison Oaks site can be found here. - check out "What's Up" by looking at the free monthly sky maps available on this web page!
Deepsky - Here is some very nice star charting software for the PC at a decent price (free!).
Cartes du Ciel Sky Charts - Here is some very nice star charting software for the PC also at a decent price, free! It also works in tangent with Deepsky 2002.
The Fournier Lunar Atlas - Here's a nice lunar atlas for you moon afficionados!
Equipment Information - Telescope reviews, other optical resources.
Astronomics - A reputable telescope and equipment supplies dealer and host for website, an invaluable resource site.
Weasner's Mighty ETX Site - This is an EXCELLENT site for all of you Meade ETX users out there that need a comprehensive resource to keep those ETX scopes operating the way they were intended!
Mke Swanson's NexStar Site - This is an EXCELLENT site for all of you Celestron Nexstar users out there that need a comprehensive resource to keep those scopes operating the way they were intended!
ScopeStuff - The place to find tube rings, dovetail plates, power supply plugs, adaptors and a wide variety of accessories and hardware. Owner Jim Henson is very helpful in finding what you need. FREE shipping too!
General Information - Broad survey of the science and the hobby.
NASA - Scroll through the pages of this site for a treasure trove, not only about specific missions, but a wealth of reliable astronomy information for all ages.
Astronomy Magazine - the world's largest English-language magazine for Astronomy hobbyists; it is read by over 300,000 persons each month.
Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) - a new astronomy related picture posted each day, with explantory text and links to more info. A great addition to any stargazer's bookmarks!
Sky and Telescope Magazine - The other major astronomy magazine, it tends to be a little more technical than Astronomy magazine.
StarDate Online - Non-technical information about astronomy and space exploration, including stargazing tips, FAQs, sky almanac, solar system guide, StarDate magazine articles, and K-12 teacher resources. StarDate Online is the web companion to the popular syndicated radio program.
Universe Today - Space news from around the Internet, updated every weekday.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) - NASA's lead center for robotic exploration of the solar system.
Organizations and Individuals - Astro-organizations and individual amateur pages.
Ford Amateur Astronomy Club - Astronomy club based in Dearborn, Michigan.
Seven Ponds Astronomy Club - Seven Ponds is located in Dryden, Michigan.
Warren Astronomical Society - Astronomical society based in Warren, Michigan.
University Lowbrow Astronomers - Astronomical Society based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with ties to the University of Michigan.