Welcome to the Oakland Astronomy Club Website!
Our Club Is Located in Oakland County, Michigan
Fascinated by the Night Sky?
Have a question about Equipment?
Wondering how to get started?
Astrophotography Questions?
Just Curious?
Check us Out!
Club Meetings are in-person and Virtual !!
DATE CHANGE: Due to the large interest in the Superbowl, February's club meeting has been changed to Sunday, February 16, at 7:00pm
(Virtual guests need a Zoom invitation. In-person guests are Always Welcome! Fill out the Meeting Invitation Form for an invitation.)
Main Presentation
Observing the Moon... becoming a Lunatic. Club VP George Raub will present an interesting discussion on beginning to observe our Moon. Geared to beginning astronomers, we'll take a look at simple observational tools, practices and Moon variations over time to see how our nearest neighbor is always changing. The goal is to prepare and be ready to enjoy observing during the 2025 annual Moon Observation Day in October. (To see December's meeting highlights, select the Club News tab.)
This Month's Club Observing Focus
Be sure to visit "What's Up?" on the Observation page to download this month's Visual Observers Guide, prepared by veteran observer Dave Holt. Thanks, Dave!
Community Events
Our Fall observing programs will be sure to delight you! Check the Event Calendar for dates, times, registration information for these family friendly opportunities.
Public Observing Nights at Addison Oaks
The sky is amazing when viewed through our 17½" Dob or our 14" SCT Telescope. To be notified of viewing opportunities, fill out the Outreach Guest List Form.
In the News
For Astronomy News Highlights, see January 2025.
Beyond our Community
Ordinary people using a cell phone or computer can be NASA Citizen Scientists! Many hands lighten the load! Volunteers contribute huge amounts of research assistance to NASA every day. Check out these opportunities for Citizen Scientists.
Business Meeting
All club meetings are open meetings. Business meetings are usually held on the Wednesday preceding the monthly meeting. Fill out the Meeting Invitation Form for an invitation.
We hope your experience on our website is enjoyable and informative.
Who are we? Well, apart from our mission statement below
- We are based in Southeast Michigan's Oakland County.
- We operate a semi-dark sky observing site at Addison Oaks County Park, which is the home of the club's 17½" dobsonian and 14" SCT telescopes.
- We put on educational programs for local schools, parks, and other organizations, including Star Parties!
- Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Astronomy. You don't need to own optical equipment to join - everyone from complete beginners to grizzled veterans are most certainly welcome!
- We have meetings at 7:00 PM on the second Sunday of every month except May, open to all interested parties, for the exchange of knowledge, information, and interesting discussions concering all aspects of Astronomy. Meetings are held at the Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve in Rochester, Michigan. (Directions)
We all look forward to seeing you at the next club function!
Interested in becoming a member? Fill out the Membership Form to request more free information or contact us (About Us)
The Oakland Astronomy Club, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the following registered purpose:
"To provide astronomical education through ownership and operation of facilities for the benefit of the general public, both youth and adult; to make available instructors for the conduct of seminars and class room education, which shall be available to other institutions of learning, public and private, as well as programs for the general public; to do research and study in the science of astronomy; to receive, administer and disburse funds for the furtherance of its educational purposes as well as for other charitable, philanthropic and scientific purposes for the public good and welfare and for no other purposes."